"As women it's important that we take an active role in caring for our hearts!
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, with more than 44 million of us living with or being at risk for heart disease. Those numbers are scary, but what's more scary is the fact that the majority of us are unaware that there is even a problem! Women with inadequate access to health care are at an even greater risk for developing heart disease.
There are several things we can do to help us maintain good heart health; proper diet, regular exercise, and not smoking are all excellent ways to ensure that we're giving our hearts the proper attention.
One of the best things women can do to help maintain a healthy heart is to have regular cholesterol screenings. Cheerios is teaming up with WomenHeart to help educate women on the risks of heart disease as well as helping make free cholesterol screenings possible for women who wouldn't be able to afford them otherwise.

Where do we come in? From now until January 31, 2010 for every code (codes can be found on specially marked boxes of Cheerios cereal like the ones on the left) entered at www.cheerioshelpinghearts.com Cheerios will donate $1.00 (up to $200,000) to raise awareness for heart disease and provide free cholesterol screenings for women who are in need of them.
So what does this have to do with a giveaway...well I'm getting to that! When I was asked to help spread the word about what Cheerios was doing I jumped at the chance and I also got a little incentive to do so...what you might ask? Well I received a beautiful Freshwater Pearl Bracelet with a heart charm from Charity Charms (a portion of all of their proceeds go to help various charities) and the opportunity for 3 (yes 3) of my wonderful readers to win a bracelet of their own (like the one below)!

So of course there are rules (aren't there always)!
All you have to do to to get entered into this giveaway is to leave a comment on this post telling me what you do to maintain a healthy heart, it's that simple! Make sure to leave your email address in your comment (or make sure that it is visible on your blogger account) so that I have a way to contact you if you're a winner!
EXTRA ENTRIES: You can get up to 10 entries into this contest by doing a little extra work! You can do one or all of the following, just make sure that you leave a separate comment for each entry!
1. Follow Me...New followers make me super happy and it can get you 2 extra entries into this contest!
2. Grab my button and put it on your blog and you've just gotten yourself 2 more entries!
3. Blog about this giveaway with links to this post as well as cheerioshelpinghearts.com for 3 more entries! (Spreading awareness about heart disease in women is really what this is all about!)
4. For 2 extra entries go to WomenHeart and give me a fact or figure related to heart disease in women (hint...the facts and figures are under the resources tab).
This giveaway will end on Monday March 23, 2009 @ 11:59 p.m. EDT.
Winners will be chosen using Random.org! Good luck!
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