Friday, May 22, 2009

Potty Training Woes

Ahhhh, potty training.

Those words send shivers up my spine. My daughter is three (and a half, don't want to admit that). She is still in diapers. She is STILL in diapers. As my dearest mom and hubby remind me, she is STILL in diapers. We have tried everything and I mean everything. Games, celebrations, stickers, toys, bribes, coersion, begging, more begging.

Our latest was to tell Maya that if she would give up diapers and wear "big girl panties" and use the potty, we would let her use the diaper money to buy a toy. We trouped off to "W" and went to the diaper aisle. I told Maya, if you promise to use the potty, instead of diapers you can get a toy. YES, she said. After repeating the deal 50,000 times, we bought a toy and went home. Fast forward to Maya before her bath, peeing all over the floor and screaming for a diaper.

Back to the drawing board!

I'm heading over to these sites to see what I can learn!

The Parents Bloggers Network and Pull-Ups are giving away Flip video cameras - go here to find out more -


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